Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Holiday Cards

The end of the year is always busy. With work trying to push out last minute projects and the hustle and bustle of preparing for christmas and the new year everything moves so fast. At this time projects operate like planes at an airport during the holidays they they come in and out fast and fully loaded in both directions often times through not so ideal conditions. I know that it's been a while now since the holidays have passed but I just got around to posting these unused holiday card concepts. They were a very quick turn around time to flush out concepts.

The concept behind the first video was to use Chinese tangrams as a way to talk about solving problems, which is a major goal of ARCADIS, while giving the piece a playful childhood memory tone. If you're unfamiliar with tangrams, they're a dissection puzzle consisting of seven shapes. The challenge is you are given a silhouette of a shape or an object and you must construct that object using all seven shapes of the tangram. It's one of the most popular dissection puzzles in the world.

The second concept was to play off of the Dutch's rich history in the arts. ARCADIS is a global company but is headquartered in The Netherlands and also work with bettering the environment. My idea was to find a classical work of art that could show all of these characteristics and create a scene where the natural and the human environment are balanced.

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